Salary Hike Calculator Online - Salary Increment
July 31, 2023
Calculate salary hike percentage
Enter your old salary:
Enter your hike persentage:
Enter your hike persentage:
If you are looking for a way to calculate the salary hike of your current employee, then the Salary Hike Calculator is the perfect tool for you. The Salary Hike Calculator will help you determine how much money your employees will earn after receiving a pay raise. We shared salary hike calculator online tool that helps you determine the salary hike and raise that you deserve. This calculator will take all of your information, such as your current salary, the expected change in your salary, and the amount of time it will take for your new position to be filled. With this information, you can find out how much money you can expect to make with a promotion or raise by using this calculator.
How to calculate salary hike percentage
To calculate the salary hike percentage, you need to know the old salary (previous salary) and the new salary (current salary) after the hike. The formula to calculate the salary hike percentage is as follows:
Salary Hike Percentage = ((New Salary - Old Salary) / Old Salary) * 100
The first step in using this calculator is to enter your current salary into the box labeled "Enter Your Current Salary." You can also use this box to calculate what your current salary would be if you had been promoted or given a raise by entering that information into the box labeled "Enter Expected Promotion or Raise in %." After completing these steps, click on "Calculate," which will show you how much money you can expect to earn with both promotions and raises. You can also use this calculator if you are planning to apply for a job in TCS, Amazon, infosys, central government employees, wipro, cognizant but haven't yet decided on how much more money do you want to earn, then try salary hike calculator.
30 Percent Hike Calculator
To calculate a 30 percent salary hike, you need to know your current salary. Here's how you can calculate the new salary after a 30 percent hike:
- Step 1: Determine your Current Salary (Old Salary).
- Step 2: Multiply your Current Salary by 0.30 (which represents a 30 percent increase and it will change according to percentage 40% = .0.40).
- Step 3: Add the result from Step 2 to your Current Salary.
Mathematically, the formula for calculating the new salary after a 30 percent hike is:
New Salary = Current Salary + (Current Salary * 0.30)
For example, if your current salary is ₹50,000:
Salary Hike = ₹50,000 * 0.30
Salary Hike = ₹15,000
Your 30 percent salary hike would be ₹15,000. To find your new salary after the hike, you can add the salary hike to your current salary:
New Salary = ₹50,000 + ₹15,000
New Salary = ₹65,000
So, after a 30 percent salary hike, your new salary would be ₹65,000.